Monthly Report ~ November 2012

SENIOR CENTER (Nancy Enabnit)
November saw a dramatic increase in the need for coordination of social services as well as an uptick in meals-on-wheels recipients. Cami Henderson provided 258 units of information and completed 127 referrals for service. Dena Isbell was hired on a contract basis to complete 143 applications for Energy Assistance.

For her capstone project, Chritine Beard, a Physical Therapy student at Pacific University completed a tri-fold brochure detailing the many services provided through the Senior Center. Among other uses, the brochure will be distributed to new meals-on-wheels clients during the initial home visit by center staff.

PARKS (Nancy Enabnit)
The board reviewed the final draft park survey with a goal of distributing it sometime in January. Survey results will help shape the revised Parks Master Plan.

The Park Board will have a vacancy, starting in January, as member Brian Adams becomes Councilor Brian Adams. Recruitment will take place in early 2013.

RECREATION (Sarah Richardson)
The Winter/Spring Recreation & Leisure Guide was finalized and sent to the publisher. Mail date is 12/17/12. New classes include Adult Guitar, Music for Babies and Toddlers, Self-Defense for Women, Couponing and Zumba for all ages.

Mountain Storm Basketball had programs in November for 3rd-6th grades. The 3rd & 4th graders were well into their season and the 5th & 6th graders were just getting started. Basketball programs for K-2 will take place this winter.

TRANSIT (Julie Stephens)
Total ridership this month was 20,166, representing an increase of 1.8% from the same period last year. The SAM-Estacada route led with an increase of 22%; SAM-Gresham increased 2%; STAR use decreased by 18%.

The pre-manufactured concrete bathroom was Sandy’s first crane-placed building when installed at the Centennial Plaza Transit Center this month. The bike rack and a garbage can were added near the shelter. The contractor is finishing the concrete work around the bathrooms, and then signage and striping on Hoffman will complete the project. The tentative date to implement the new route and schedule is still January 7, 2013. The Transit Advisory Committee will host a public workshop on December 12th to preview the alternative proposals.

Staff submitted two applications for transit capital projects to the FY15-18 STIP program and completed grant applications for two operating and two capital projects in the next State biennial budget cycle (FY13-15).

The Transit Adventure took fourteen participants on the Mountain Express to Barlow Trail in Welches for lunch.