Transit Staff Report – February 2018

Due to changes made in late 2016, ridership continues to increase. Total ridership this month was 9,742 compared to 9,195 rides in 2017, an overall increase of 5.9%.

The SAM-Gresham route experienced an 8.8% increase in ridership. The new SAM Shopper has experienced 50% increase from February 2017.

The Estacada route decreased by 8.8%. The early morning run was canceled twice during the snow storm and this route operated on a snow route several days, impacting ridership.

STAR continues to decrease in ridership, due to the shift in ride mode to the SAM Shopper combined with road and weather conditions for 2 weeks of February. STAR ridership decreased by 9.1%, from 1188 to 1089.  The Elderly and Disabled program (out-of-town medical rides) decreased by 42.3% due to increased dialysis treatment available in Sandy and weather conditions.

SAM staff continue to attend RAC meetings, hold a board position on the Oregon Transit Association and serve on the HB 2017 Regional Coordination Technical Committee.  All positions and attendance haven proven vital during the HB2017 rules writing process and the short legislative session.

The City’s partnership with Clackamas County continues to achieve efficient transportation goals in the area. Bus sharing has proven beneficial to both parties as necessary repairs are completed.  Both SAM and Clackamas County have numerous grant applications submitted to replace rolling stock and maintain a fleet “in good repair” as set by the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Federal Transportation Association.  Available grant funds remain low statewide for procurement of vehicles.