Transit Staff Report – June 2020

In June, the Transit Director (in her capacity as Oregon Transit Association President) testified to the Joint Committee on Transportation on LC 43, a measure that would allow Transit agencies across the State to use Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds (STIF) to maintain existing service and consolidate the STIF and STF funding. As agencies across the State struggle with increased costs and decreased revenue, it is vital that agencies have flexibility in funding use. As you may remember, STIF funding could only be used for expanded or enhanced (new) service. During times of COVID, it will be more important to maintain existing service and shift service modes to meet the needs of the community (like delivering Meals on Wheels) rather than expand. The measure became Senate Bill 1601 and the Sandy Director again testified in front of the First Special Session of 2020 in support of the bill. The bill passed the Senate and the House Friday, June 26. This is great news for Oregon transit agencies, including SAM as we strive to maintain pre-COVID service levels.

In June, ridership increased to 6250, a 27% growth from April. However, this is approximately 40% of our ridership numbers compared to June 2019.

As riders begin to return and social distancing guidelines remain in place, SAM will need to face the very real possibility that extra vehicles and drivers may be needed to meet the needs of the community. At this point in time, SAM staff and MV have agreed to have a back up vehicle ready in the event that a bus cannot accommodate everyone at a stop. For example, the Shopper Shuttle can currently only accommodate 5 people, including the driver. In June, the Shopper carried 3.4 people an hour. If Clackamas County reopens and enters stage 2, we may see the Shopper Shuttle reach capacity in just a few weeks.

Also in June, the bus wash repairs were complete with new replacement parts and plumbing, resulting in a near complete replacement and like new mechanics. The bus barn construction continues and this beautiful vehicle was shipped.