Transit Staff Report – April 2020

Due to the COVID-19 virus, Transit is watching ridership very closely to determine the needs of the community. As you can see from the chart, ridership has declined significantly (blue line).  In February 2020 ridership was strong, until the Covid-19 stay healthy, stay home guidance.

While ridership is down, it is important to remember that in April there were still over 150 people per day using this transit system as it is essential for them to get to work, get to family and get goods and services they need.  Therefore, Transit will strive to continue to provide service and be a lifeline for those who need it.

The SAM Gresham route will return to full service May 1, running every half hour. The Medical Rides driver continues to provide medical rides but is also assisting the Senior Center for Meals on Wheels Monday through Friday.

Mt Hood Express has significantly reduced service. The Express route has been combined with the Village Shuttle route, providing only 5 runs per day, down from 11. Service may be increased in June as the recreation areas reopen.

All services, SAM and MHX, are fareless during this time as well as all Clackamas County Transit (CAT, SCTD and SMART).