Transit Staff Report – February 2019

The TMP Existing Conditions and Choices Report is complete and ready for distribution at the upcoming Stakeholder’s meeting, scheduled for April 15, 2019, at the Community Center. It provides an in-depth look at the City of Sandy’s service, growth potential, challenges and opportunities. This will guide the stakeholders as we move forward with revising and updating the current transit master plan.

Staff were successful during the Special Transportation Funds (STF) funding process and were awarded funding at the levels requested.  STF funds support all of Sandy’s transit services but are primary and essential to the STAR dial-a-ride program, the Elderly and Disabled medical rides program and the Estacada service.  This grant cycle also provides funds for the replacement of 2 mini vans for the Transit medical ride program.
Sandy resident Caren Topliff, and staff Andi Howell, sit on the Advisory Committee of this funding process. Sandy staff thank Caren Topliff for her time during this process and her dedication to Sandy Transit.

The construction of 2 bus barns at the Operations Center has received federal approval to break ground.  This was a time consuming, lengthy process and provides much relief to the continuation of the project.

SAM services provided 8,597 rides in total, an overall decrease of 11.8% compared to  February 2019. The primary reason for this decline is a decline in ridership on the Sandy Gresham route.  SAM Gresham provided 6,531 of those rides, a drop of 16.8%.  Other Sandy routes such as the dial-a-ride, the Shopper Shuttle and Estacada saw fairly steady or increased ridership.

Compared to February 2018, SAM Estacada experienced another increase in ridership, going up 6.2%. The Sandy Shopper increased by 53.9%. STAR dial-a-ride remained fairly stable with a small decrease of 1.2%. Elderly and Disabled rides increased by 5.4% from 56 to 59 rides.