Transit Staff Report — January 2018

Due to changes made in late 2016, ridership continues to increase at a swift pace. Total ridership this month was 10,356 compared to 8,740 rides in 2017, an overall increase of 18.5%.

The SAM-Gresham route experienced a 19.1% increase in ridership. The new SAM Shopper has experienced 76.9% increase from January 2017. The Estacada route increased ridership by 16.9%.

The Elderly and Disabled program (out-of-town medical rides) decreased by 22.0% due to increased dialysis treatment availability in Sandy. STAR continues to decrease in ridership, due to the popularity of the SAM Shopper. STAR ridership increased by 8.0%, from 1027 to 1110.

SAM staff continue to participate in a statewide workgroup to evaluate the current method of allocation for federal transit funds distributed to rural agencies (5311). The workgroup has finalized the changes that will go into effect in the next biennium. Staff continue to attend each RAC meetings concerning HB2017. SAM is collaborating with Clackamas County providers to ensure equity in funding and a county-wide approach to improved connectivity. Andi Howell is also serving on the HB 2017 Regional Coordination Technical Committee.

The City’s partnership with Clackamas County continues to achieve efficient transportation goals in the area. Bus sharing has proved to be beneficial to both parties as necessary repairs are completed.
The plans for 2 new bus barns at the Sandy Operations Center continue to develop. Staff is preparing the Scope of Work for the updated Transit Master Plan. Staff opened bids for the vehicle ITS equipment and plan to make a final selection in February.

Ridership Patterns 2016-2018