Transit Staff Report – March 2024

From the Program Administrator


Ridership is still down from pre-pandemic ridership but continues to remain steady with some slight fluctuations. Overall ridership decreased by 8.3% compared with March of 2023. SAM-Gresham provided 5,390 rides, a decrease of 10.47%. SAM-Estacada provided 237 rides, declining by 54.68%. The Shopper Shuttle provided 595 rides, a 5.1% decrease. The Clackamas Town Center route ridership continues to double in growth. In the month of March we provided 278 rides!

SAM rides provided 796 ride, a 0.13% increase. ED provided 66 rides, a 4.76% increase from March 2023. This continues to be a valuable transportation resource for the residents of Sandy.

The decrease is due in part to the workforce continuing to telecommute. In addition, as families vacation during spring break they may suspend their normal commuting patterns.

New Marketing Materials

The Clackamas Town Center route has been added to the new schedules (see below). The result is a cleaner, streamlined route map that provides easy to understand SAM routes and times as well as the regional connectivity for the community!

Staff also created eye-catching channel cards that will be featured inside both SAM and MHX buses, showcasing the routes for easy reference.

Keep an eye out for the new new “Making Connections” banner at the Sandy Transit Center! SAM is committed to ensuring that citizens are fully aware of the transportation options available, making travel more convenient and accessible for everyone.

The New Buses are Ready to Roll

SAM has two new buses serving the City of Sandy! Through the STIF Regional Coordination we received $250,000 in funding to secure the buses. They were purchased so that SAM could launch the Clackamas Town Center route with a Gillig without compromising other routes. We now have two additional buses that are large enough to serve all SAM routes but the cost is half the price of purchasing one new Gillig!

Sandy-Clackamas County Partnership

In March 2024, SAM brought in $4,422.34 from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. The revenue from medical rides was $6, 716.13. Total earnings from the Clackamas County partnership were $11,138.47.

Transit Staff Report – February 2024

From the Program Administrator


Ridership is on the rise!! In February, SAM provided a total of 7,173 rides a 15.43% increase over February 2023. SAM-Gresham increased by 15.23%, providing 5,394 rides. SAM-Estacada did see a decline of 39.11% with 246 riders. The Clackamas Town Center route continues to grow with 126 riders. The shopper Shuttle grew by 27.21%, transporting 561 passengers.

SAM rides grew by 17.4% providing 749 rides in February of 2024. The Ed program provided 97 rides, almost doubling ridership with a 94% increase!

Clackamas County Partnership

In February 2024, SAM brought in $4,422.34 from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. The revenue from medical rides was $6,240.83. Total revenue for February was $10,663.17.

Transit Staff Report – January 2024

From the Program Administrator


The ice storms in January impacted ridership, with many individuals unable to leave their homes due to hazardous conditions. Consequently, there was a decrease in the number of people utilizing public transportation services. Additionally, the adverse weather conditions resulted in operational challenges that lead to limited service availability during that period.

Despite the challenges, overall ridership only declined by 18.7% compared to January 2023, providing 5,846 rides. SAM-Gresham had 4,406 passengers in January, a decrease of 16.7%. Estacada experienced a 52.6% decrease and the Shopper Shuttle decreased by 26.81%. Despite the inclement weather the new SAM CTC route provided 71 rides!

SAM rides provided 648 rides, a decrease of 17.14%. The ED program however, increased by 27.42%. This is likely due to the fact that much of the limited service was outside of the ED program hours.

The Clackamas Town Center Route Launch

While the inclement weather postponed the Clackamas Town Center Launch party it didn’t deter drivers from beginning the route. Despite the midmonth start and some limited service we provided 71 rides to passengers!

As a bonus, the first 50 riders were entered into a raffle to win a year-long SAM pass and a gift card to a local business. Billy P., a regular SAM rider, was one of our lucky winners! He is a regular SAM rider and having a direct route to his work significantly improves his commute, saving him both time and money. This is just one of the many ways this regional connection is a vital part of the Sandy community.

Clackamas County Partnership

In January 2024, SAM brought in $4,422.34 from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. The revenue from medical rides was $5,069.54. Total earnings from the Clackamas County partnership were $9,491.88.

Transit Staff Report – December 2023

From the Program Administrator


Ridership continues to move in a positive direction. Overall ridership for December of 2023 increased by 4.79% compared with December 2022. SAM-Gresham provided 4,937 rides, an increase of 8.58% over December 2022. Estacada declined by 45.68% bus still provided 239 rides. The Shopper Shuttle also experienced a slight decline of 6.57%. The decline may be due to lower gas prices, the holiday season and winter break at school.

SAM rides provided transportation for 779 individual rides. That is an increase of 11.76% over December 2022. ED increased by 140.82%, providing 118 rides.

Winterfest and the Jolly Trolley

The Winterfest and Jolly Trolley ridership was 221 rides! Due to demand, we added 4 extra runs to the Jolly Trolley! The program was so popular we intend to expand the service next year. We will provide two Jolly Trolleys on December 13th, 20th, 22nd and 23rd! We also plan to simplify the sign-up process by calling our dispatch office directly.

SAM provided rides to Pictures with the Grinch, The Snow Queen, Estampa y Santa and the Holiday Happy Hour! This accounted for 45 of the 221 rides.

Clackamas County Partnership

In December 2023, SAM brought in $4,422.34 from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. The revenue from medical rides was $6,819.45. Total earnings from the Clackamas County partnership were $11,241.79.

Building Design

The City Committee, comprised of Public Works (Jenny Coker and Ryan Wood), Parks (Tiana Rundell), IT (Greg Brewster) and Transit (Andi Howell and Muna Rustam) met with MWA to discuss the needs for the Operations Center. The Committee expressed the need for more office space and storage space that would not be department specific but versatile to fit the changing needs of all the departments. A city wide maintenance facility was also discussed. MWA returned with three proposals that will be cost effective, energy conscious and maximize potential growth. The Committee will meet to further discuss and refine the designs to meet the needs of this multi-departmental project.

Transit Staff Report – November 2023

From the Program Administrator


We are pleased to see that SAM’s overall ridership in November 2023 increased by 6.64% compared with November 2022. SAM-Gresham provided 4,770 rides an increase of 6.95% from November 2022. Estacada ridership declined by 38.41%. The Shopper Shuttle increased by 44.23% in November 2023.

Dial-a-ride had a slight increase of 0.43%. ED experienced tremendous growth in November. Rides increased by 319.35%. The increase in ED ridership is due, in part, to driver availability.

Clackamas Town Center Route

SAM is excited to begin the new route to the Clackamas Town Center. This will provide Sandy, Boring and Damascus residents with regional connectivity, access to necessary health care and job opportunities. Boring and Damascus residents will also have the ability to come to Sandy for necessary goods and services. This route will run 6 times a day, Monday through Saturday, beginning January 12, 2024. We plan to a kick-off celebration at the Transit Center, January 11, 2024, at 2:00 pm. We hope to see you there!

Clackamas County Partnership

The partnership with the County continues to prove itself as a great partnership. In November 2023, SAM brought in $4,422.34 from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. The revenue from medical rides was $7,542.73. Total earnings were $11,965.07.

Transit Staff Report – October 2023

From the Program Administrator


Overall ridership only experienced a slight decrease of 0.15%, providing 7,315 rides in October 2023 compared to 7,424 rides in October 2022. SAM-Gresham experienced a 4.4% drop in ridership, serving 5,472 passengers. SAM-Estacada provided 320 rides, a 29.82% decrease. The Shopper Shuttle provided 643 rides compared with 509 rides rides in October 2022, an increase of 26.33%. While we have experienced some decline, SAM service continues to provide autonomy and opportunity for many in the Sandy community. The survey results below highlight the importance of public transportation.

SAM rides provided 731 rides, an increase of 7.66% increase from last year. ED also experienced ridership growth. SAM provided 149 medical rides in October 2023 compared with 56 rides in October 2022, an increase of 166.07%.

Annual Survey

In October, SAM conducted annual surveys. This communication allows us to hear what riders need and what level of service SAM provides. We received 99 onboard responses across all SAM services.

Of those 99 respondents, 50.5% began their journey in Sandy and 69.89% will end their journey in Sandy. Over half were frequent users, 38.54% utilizing it daily and 30.21% using it at least 3-4 times a week. Commuters comprise 46.34% of the surveyed ridership. The bulk of the ridership consists of 20-30 year old (23.71%) and 31-44 year old (37.11%). The majority of riders, 59.34%, live in Sandy.

While our ridership has incomes from every walk of life, 40.23% earn less than $10,000 and 20.69% earn between $20,000-$39,000. 69.15% do not own a vehicle and 52.05% would not have made the trip if SAM was not available.

Although we typically highlight the need for service it is also important to recognize that SAM also serves a discretionary riders within the community. 30.85% of riders have access to a car and 26.03% the respondents owned a vehicle.

The most important needs focused mainly on additional service. 56.32% of riders would like more frequent service, 52.5% would like later service and 67.47% would like more service on Sundays. 47.5% requested more benches/shelters.

Although it is hard to pick from the many compliments, below are a few comments from respondents. All the credit goes to our driving staff who make the service what it is!

“Excellent public transportation in the state of Oregon. Very impressed with safe driving, organization and citizen safety. I’m grateful for efficient system. And think many other places in the world can learn from this service to apply to their communities. Again, thank you!”

“SAM between Portland and Sandy has been so helpful now that family lives out there and I choose to not have a car in PDX.”

“SAM has been a literal lifesaver in that I was able to travel to Sandy to acquire my medication.”

“You guys have the most friendly bus drivers I have ever seen!”

“I am pleased & grateful today to be on such a nice, clean, safe, friendly atmosphere bus. The driver was just the right kind of right for a restful, beautiful Sunday trip.”

“The drivers have always gone above and beyond with helping. They make sure we are safe and will be able to get home. Just amazing people.”

“Love, love, love your people.”

“We <3 SAM (goes straight to Grandma’s house :))”

Clackamas County Partnership

The partnership with Clackamas County continues to prove itself as a practical and financial benefit. While partnering with the County on equipment and resources we continue to save money. This includes equipment such as tablets and radios, contracted staff and maintenance. October financials include 80 medical rides on their behalf earning SAM $5,600.22. Earnings for operating the Mt. Hood Express service were $4,422.34. Total earnings $10,022.56.

Transit Staff Report – September 2023

From the Program Administrator


Overall September 2023 ridership is up 2.6% compared with September 2022. Historically, ridership has always declined during September. Although overall service has gained, there are some small dips in certain routes. This temporary dip can be attributed to the return of school and schedule changes.

SAM-Gresham provided 5,361 rides in September, a slight decline of 0.48%. SAM-Estacada experienced a 3.8% decrease in ridership with 354 rides. Conversely, the Shopper Shuttle experienced a 20.94% increase when compared to September 2022. Typically, when a route changes times and/or path, as the Shopper Shuttle recently did, ridership declines. However, this route remains a very popular one for Sandy residents.

SAM rides provided 655 rides in September 2023, an increase of 4.97%. ED ridership increased dramatically with a 330.77% increase. The increase in drivers has allowed SAM to increase service to those needing to get to their medical appointments.

Annual Bus Surveys

SAM has begun our annual surveys. They are available online as well as on the bus. All community members are encouraged to fill them out! If you would like to share your thoughts please click here. Surveys provide a wealth of information on ridership and rider needs. SAM also receives important feedback on what we do well and where we can improve.

Transit Staff Report – August 2023

SAM’s Corner – VIP Highlight

SAM contracts with MV Transportation to provide the City with a professional driving staff. They are the engine that makes our service top notch!! SAM would like to take a moment to recognize one of those exceptional employees. Alan McGuire-Nash is one of the outstanding employees that make up the team. Alan has been with SAM since 2015. He started out driving Mt. Hood Express but moved to the SAM-Gresham and SAM-Estacada routes. He quickly showed an ability to lead, strategize and troubleshoot so he was soon promoted to the dispatch office. Throughout several changes to the organization, SAM has been able to rely on Alan’s leadership. Alan was recently promoted to Operations Manager. In this role Alan creates the weekly schedules for drivers, handles customer service, covers driver shifts as needed and provides overall support to the staff. He is the go-to-guy to analyze best practices. When Alan is not working, he is helping his husband Dennis with their nursery or playing with his dog Myrtle. If you see Alan out and about give him a warm hello and thank him for all he contributes to making everything flow smoothly!

Ridership Stats

SAM’s overall ridership rose 16.9% in August, compared with August of 2022. SAM-Gresham provided 6,096 rides, an increase of 11.65% compared to last year. Estacada had an increase of 7.21% with 476 rides. The Shopper Shuttle provided 750 rides, increasing 41.51%.

SAM rides grew from August of 2022 by 7.6%, with a total of 878 rides. ED provided 321 medical rides (including a special travel training noted below) for an increase of 723.08%. Without the additional travel training ED increased by 135.9%.

SAM is Travel Training with Ant Farm!

On August 21-22, SAM had a travel training session for the Ant Farm youth! We provided a total of 168 rides to and from the Mt. Hood Community College where they were able to tour the facility. On August 25th we also provided transportation to another 61 students for the end of season work recognition. SAM is pleased to be able to assist young adults in learning life skills. Travel training is a service that SAM provides to anyone who is unfamiliar with public transit. It educates individuals or groups on how to board, ride and deboard safely; bus rules and etiquette; understanding schedules; making connections to other buses and the many benefits of public transit. Along with lots of learning, a great time was had by all! Although a SAM rule is that music can only be played with headphones, there may have been a sing-a-long to a few songs played by the appointed DJ. Check out the City’s Facebook and Instagram for the videos. SAM looks forward to partnering with Ant Farm and others in the future.

Oregon Conference

This year the Oregon Transit Association (OTA) and the Washington State Transit Association (WSTA) partnered together to provide a conference. Two Sandy staff and 3 board members were in attendance thanks to the generous scholarships through ODOT! Classes included trainings on compliance, contract and grant management, microtransit, customer service among many others. These conferences provide an opportunity to learn and stay up to date with the newest trends. It also provides an opportunity to network with other professionals and brainstorm. At the end of the conference the OTA recognizes individuals and agencies who have made a considerable contribution to the transit industry. As President of the OTA, Andi Howell was the presenter at the Awards Banquet.

Transit Staff Report – July 2023

From the Director

SAM and our Clackamas County partners (Canby, Clackamas County, South Clackamas and Wilsonville) have a new Transit webpage! In partnership, the “Clackamas Coalition” secured a STIF Discretionary grant to provide a one stop website to the public regarding how to get around Clackamas County. A firm was hired to create and maintain the site. Our new page is called Ride Clackamas and can found here.

The General Manager for MV Transit Services that has been with SAM since January has resigned. He lived in Salem and took a position closer to home. Upon request, MV sent an HR team to interview employees to see if a restructure of positions is necessary, sent a recruiter to the Mountain Festival and sent an Interim GM. The Interim GM, Tamara Darnell is doing a great job. We have encouraged her to stay and it looks like she is interested.

In August SAM staff and Board members will be in Vancouver at the Washington County Transit Association/Oregon Transit Association Joint Conference. This is the first time the two organizations have partnered for a conference and will be a great opportunity to learn about the latest transit trends, funding opportunities, audit changes and more. As the President of the Oregon Transit Association, I look forward to representing Sandy as I give opening remarks Monday morning and facilitate the banquet and annual meeting Tuesday. This year, ODOT is reimbursing 100% of the travel and board expenses to encourage Oregonians to attend the conference.

From the Program Administrator

Ridership Statistics

SAM’s overall July 2023 ridership increased by 19.78% compared to July of 2022. SAM-Gresham provided 5,598 rides, an increase of 18.4%. SAM-Estacada experienced a slight decline of 6.6%, providing 340 rides. The Shopper Shuttle continues to increase ridership with a 5.03% increase from July 2022.

SAM rides experienced a large increase of 64.88%, providing 709 rides in July 2023. ED also increased ridership by 200%, providing 87 rides in July 2023 compared to 29 rides in July 2022.

Sandy Mountain Festival Parade

“Come one, come all! We saved you a Seat!” The SAM Transit Team, along with Board members and family enjoyed participating in the parade alongside other City departments!!!

Sandy Mountain Festival Service

SAM and MHX offered fareless service all weekend to encourage carless transportation to the Sandy Mountain Festival. SAM also offered a shuttle to the Mountain Festival that began at the Sandy Operations Center. In 2022 the shuttle provided 50 rides and in 2023 we provided it provided 88 rides, a 76% increase. SAM plans to continue working with the Sandy Mountain Festival Committee to offer transportation options during Mountain Festival Days.

Shopper Shuttle Improvements

Using STIF funds (STIF Plan FY24-25) the Shopper Shuttle now operates on Saturdays, providing intracity transportation 6 days a week! Community members who work during the weekdays now have an option to ride the trolley! Within the first three weeks the Saturday Shopper had 39 riders!

We listened! Due to public input, SAM is changing the Shopper Shuttle route and times. Beginning August 14th, the Shopper will add a run — offering six times a day! The new times maintain service during the peak demand while also allowing middle and high school students who participate in afterschool activities to utilize SAM to get home or into town. Along with all the regular stops, we will also stop at the cinema and local parks!

Drug and Alcohol Training

SAM staff attended a 2-day ODOT training that included Drug and Alcohol Program Management and Compliance training as well as Reasonable Suspicion Determination training. This instruction is essential to ensure that staff are knowledgeable and compliant regarding Drug and Alcohol testing and requirements and accurately assessing fitness for duty.

Transit Staff Report – June 2023

From the Program Administrator

SAM ridership continues to grow, with an overall increase of 15.93% compared to June of 2022. SAM-Gresham provided 5,824 rides, an increase of 15.4%. Estacada did experience a slight decrease of 7.2%. The Shopper Shuttle grew 52.83%, providing 567 rides compared to 371 rides in June of 2022.

SAM rides grew 9.65%, providing 716 rides. Ed ridership grew by 119.44% compared to June of 2023.

The RFP for building design of the second building and maintenance bay received eight proposals. The selection committee is comprised of Public Works, Transit and IT, all the groups that utilize the facility. The review process is underway!