Finance Report – January 2019

Finance Staff completed the audit for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2018. The completed financial statements and required reports are now available on the City’s website (

Total water shut-offs for non payment was 20. The Finance Department has not previously tracked the number of shut-offs per month until now. Our goal is to track this each month so that we can measure how effective our outreach and multiple payment options are.

Click here to be taken to the January 2019 Financial Report, which includes information for all departments.

The budget process is now underway! The Finance Director and City Manager have been working on revenue projections for the General Fund, and are making progress in getting worksheets out to Department Directors, so they can begin the the process for their individual budgets.

There are multiple openings for the Budget Committee. The committee is made up of an equal number of Council and citizens. We currently have 4 opening positions for the committee, and are actively recruiting to fill these spots.