Finance Report – February 2019

Click here to be taken to the February 2019 Financial Report, which includes information for all departments.

Total water shut-offs for non-payment during the month was 17, a decrease of three from the prior month.

The Finance Department finalized a Plan of Action related to the Fiscal Year 2018 audit. Additionally, the department implemented a new Administration of Federal Awards policy, which outlines how any award with Federal funding is selected, awarded, and administered.

Department Directors have received their budget worksheets, and are working on drafting their proposed budgets for their departments. These proposed budgets will go before the Budget Officer (City Manager) for review. Once the Budget Officer has finalized these budgets, the final proposals will go before the Budget Committee.

Speaking of Budget Committee, we still have openings! If you know someone who has interest in serving, please direct them to the City’s website to complete an application.