Finance Report – June 2019

Click here to be taken to the June 2019 Financial Report, which includes information for all funds and departments.

Total water shut-offs for non-payment during the month was 8, a decrease of 16 from the prior month.

Finance Department staff continue to manage the municipal court process while our Court Clerk is out. It has been a great learning experience for us to dig deep into court and gain a better understanding of the overall process.

The budget for BN 2019-2021 was adopted on June 3rd! The Finance Director and City Manager appreciate the work that department directors put into to creating their budgets, and thank the Budget Committee and Council for the thorough review and discussion related to the budget.

The department is working diligently on year end tasks, and are looking forward to the new fiscal year. The annual audit will take place in August, and the department expects it to go very smoothly. More information to come as we get further into the summer months.

Last, but not least, Karey Milne and Tyler Deems represented the Finance and Administration departments at the Longest Day Parkway. There was a great turnout and quite a bit of interest in our branded coffee mug and hat raffle!