Finance Report – October 2020

Click here to be taken to the October 2020 Financial Report, which includes information for all funds and departments.

Water shut off has been suspended since March. There were 316 customers on the shut off list, which includes both water and SandyNet customers. The total past due amount is approximately $131,800. We will continue to suspend shut offs for the time being, but we are still billing as usual. Late notices continue to be sent as a reminder to customers of their balances owed. Staff is working with customers on payment arrangements, and are encouraging increased communication between customers and staff.

Initial appearances are still discontinued for municipal court. Staff is mailing letters to all defendants to notify them of the payment options available. Trials are being conducted in person. Staff is encouraging defendants to communicate with the Court regularly, and we are hopeful that defendants continue to utilize our multiple payment options to pay their fines.

COVID-19 related expenses as of October 31, 2020 totaled $245,819.38. We continue to request reimbursements monthly and will continue to do so until December 30, 2020.