Finance Report – September 2022

Click here to be taken to the September 2022 Financial Report, which includes information for all funds and departments.

Work is underway with our auditing firm, Talbot Korvola & Warwick, to complete the annual audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022.

The City continues to bargain with the Sandy Police Association for a contract that will be retroactively applied to July 1, 2022. An more detailed update will be provided to the Council at the October 3rd meeting.

Municipal Court
The Court has seen an increase in the citations the past two months, resulting in more foot traffic on court days and more requests for trials. Citation revenue is slightly up, and we are hopeful this trend continues.

Utility Billing
Water shutoffs for nonpayment were 30 this month. This number has been fairly steady the past few months. We’ve had some complaints regarding high utility bills, some of which can be attributed to the increase in rates, but most have been related to increased consumption during the summer months. Now that we are heading into the rainy season, we suspect bills to reduce to a more manageable amount for these customers.