Staff Report – 11/21/11


MEETING DATE:     11/21/11
BY:                             Joe Knapp
SUBJECT:                 IT Department – Monthly Report


WiFi – The installations that we have been performing are proving to be very successful. Low rate of customer support calls and lower cancellations have been recorded since we began this service. I am scheduling interviews this week to bring a contract employee on to help us facilitate the installations without consuming so much staff time.

Rural Wireless – Construction on the Waybill tower has been completed (as you may have read in the Sandy Post). We are working on getting equipment installed so we can begin moving customers over.




















We were able to get Oregon’s Wild Harvest connected down on Phelps Rd. This had become one of the major goals of this new tower as it allowed us to provide service between Oregon’s Wild Harvest farm location on Phelps Rd with wireless service and at their new location in Sandy with our fiber service. Since both of their locations are on SandyNet we are able to get very creative in how we handle the traffic between the sites allowing them to have a much better user experience at a much cheaper cost than their alternatives.

Fiber to the Home – At the last SandyNet Advisory Board meeting we received some direction from the board on how to proceed with the FTTH project. We are working with Fibersphere (who came in with a much more cost effective solution) to negotiate details on a contract that is very specific to the deployment we wish to perform.

We are also preparing materials that will go out to the residents of the neighborhoods in several waves to get their feedback on the project and determine if we have an appropriate amount of interested residents to proceed.

Customer Billings – Customer revenues continue to look promising. We are ahead of projections by a healthy margin for the biennium (click the graphs below for larger view).












IT Department

Virtualization Project – We have run into some software conflicts with the virtual desktop deployment. Fortunately the majority of these conflicts have been overcome and the last major hindrance is scheduled for upgrade in early December. We have several users anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new desktops that have graciously volunteered to be testers.