Monthly Report – January 2020

Service Orders

Fiber and Wireless orders have continued to steadily flow. In the weeks where installs are lighter, the crew has been performing plant repairs to equipment that have degraded service.

SandyNet service can now be ordered online, though our new portal. Orders are directly inputted into our queuing system, where they are reviewed and pushed to construction or denied. We have seen an increase of orders simply due to an online presence. The option to sign up online has also shown us that users are more likely to select gigabit service.

Phone Service

We have had a long struggle between our existing phone wholesale provider and Calix equipment. Calix continues to release code changes to improve Gigacenters, and the phone provider has proven that they are unable to accommodate and modify their configuration. After months of back and fourth communication, we have decided that we would have the solve the problem ourselves and introduce a form of middleware to modify each transmission to allow interoperability. This system was implemented in December, and has passed it’s trial period and is now in production. All existing customers are now being migrated to the new voice proxy.

New Developments

Sandy Woods and Mt. View Ridge are being spliced and customers are starting to come online. We are reaching the number of available ports on our current system, so we have purchased a new system and will bring it online for next upcoming development.

Fiber service has been extended to a new major business in town. The construction required allowed us to hit a number of other business buildings along the way, which will allow for more potential business customers.

PGE & Firwood Power have completed their solar farm project, and SandyNet is providing the farm with dark fiber back to the Sandy substation. This required the team to blow 12 strands down Bornstedt and Bluff and HWY 26. 8 of those 12 strands are now available for future feeder fibers.

SandyNet has completed a contracting job for CBX which included installing conduit outside of city limits. SandyNet was able to install 2700′ of it’s own conduit alongside CBX for the project for future expansion.

Internal IT

Server migration continue as expected. Over 80% of our existing systems have been converted off of our existing virtual environment.