Monthly Report – November 2014

Fiber to the Home

Work is progressing very nicely on the fiber network. Initially when the construction started the contractors were confident they would have the project completed by the end of 2014, city staff was a little skeptical of that target and communicated a message to the community of May or June of 2015. As it stands now it looks like the more conservative estimate will be pretty accurate. The table below provides a snapshot of completion on the various phases of the project as of 11/14/2014.

Project Category % Complete
Conduit Installation 97%
Cable Placement 65%
Splicing 35%
Drop Installation 33%
Service Activation 9%

Take Rate Update

Projected take rate numbers are looking very good for the project. We anticipate approximately 45% to 50% of homes taking service. This will be a HUGE success if it comes to fruition.

Video Service

Council approved the franchise agreement for the provisioning of video service in Sandy with CSI Digital this month. In a next steps call with CSI Digital they provided an overview of their product launch process and let us know that they anticipate having service available in March of 2015. They will be providing some marketing materials to us soon that will allow us to direct interested customers to them and answer a lot of questions regarding the service.