Monthly Report – May 2019

Residential Fiber

Drop construction has officially caught up to demand. We have since shifted most of our resources to finishing up the business fiber district. Expect residential installs to drastically slow down. Historic trend show that drop construction tends to pick up after a few slow months. During this slow period we will be focusing on getting caught up with backlogged projects.

Business Fiber

We have continued to hook up new businesses. Most of the project construction is completed, and we are now working on projects that require special attention, such as Emtelle fiber blowing. Since these project tend to be more expensive and yield less revenue, they have been delayed until other areas have slowed down. And since these installs have a much higher cost, the remainder of the big costs projects will be put off until the start of the new biennium. This includes the purchase of more fiber, vaults and fiber blowing equipment.

Over the next six months, the remainder of the wireless network within city limits will be removed or decommissioned.

We are continuing to pursue large enterprise accounts, which often require a large amount of construction to complete. Several agreements are in the works.

New Developments

We are currently working with multiple housing and business developments. We are looking at ramping up G.Fast after July, because of the high installation costs. We are also looking at drilling fiber up to an existing tower site. A dedicated fiber connection would drastically reduce the amount of bandwidth consumed over another wireless link that is currently feeding multiple towers.


We are continuing to optimize the way that we setup and process orders to deliver a better experience to existing and new customers. Currently focusing on the ordering and cancellation process, which will help us in obtaining new customers that move into recently sold/bought homes.