Monthly Report – February 2012


WiFi – I keep expecting to see the demands for the WiFi service slow down but it continues to stay up at around 40 installs per month. We are implementing upgrades to neighborhoods as fast as we can to keep up with the demands all this customer growth is placing on the network. The graph below shows the number of installs we have done over the past months. This data is current as of 3/14, we expect to hit around 40 again this month.


Rural Wireless – We have printed some marketing materials and begun a targeted approach to service areas that we know we can provide quality service in. There have been some software updates that we are testing that may get us closer to being able to start adding customers to our non-line of sight service again.

Fiber to the Home – We are continuing to look into ways to lower project costs and move forward with a pilot deployment for FTTH. We met with Fibersphere early this month to discuss available options for redesigning the deployment to reduce overhead.

Customer Billings –

IT Department

PD RMS – We have been working with the police department to get their new records management system up and operational. They have training scheduled this week to start using the new software.

Library Move – We moved the IT infrastructure for the Library back to the “new” old building for the grand opening. Things went very smoothly once again showing the benefit and flexibility of the infrastructure we have put into place like fiber and the voice over IP systems.

We installed a new type of WiFi at the Library to make sure that patrons have good wireless signal available anywhere in the building. As of 10:00 AM on 3/14 (one week after opening) we have had 323 individual devices associated to the wireless network.

We also installed 9 security cameras at various locations around the building with a new type of camera we have been waiting nearly 12 months to launch. We are still working out a few glitches with this system but overall the video quality is very good and the cost of these new cameras is less than 1/5th of comparable cameras on the market.