Monthly Report, February 2012 – Public Works

WATER A total of 24,969,900 gallons of water were produced, 12,729,000 at Alder Creek Treatment Plant and 12,240,900 at Brownell Springs. Peak day water production was 1.1 MG on February 12th. A total of 9.36 inches of rainfall were recorded at the treatment plant site during the month. City crews abandoned a section of pipe and replaced a valve at the intersection of Ten Eyck and US 26 in preparation for the ODOT paving project this summer. City staff finished replacing existing water meters with the new radio read meters in February, we have about 52 installed, including the Library and the new High School site. These meters should be enough to test the tower transceiver and reading software.

SEWER – A total of 34,750,000 gallons of wastewater were treated and discharged. Minimum flow was 0.84 MGD on the 9th. Maximum day flow was 2.01 MGD on the 22nd, (rainfall was 0.5 inches on the 21st and .25 inches on the 22nd). A total of 6.24 inches of rainfall were recorded at the treatment plant site during the month. We were in compliance with our waste discharge permit for the month of February. BOD concentration was 5.0 mg/l; BOD loading was 48.5 lbs.; permit allows 10 mg/l and 83 lbs.; SS concentration was 6.44 mg/l; SS loading was 61.6 lbs.; permit allows 10 mg/l and 83 lbs. 85,610 gallons of sludge were generated dewatered and stored during the month of February. No sludge was hauled off-site. The pumps atMarcy St.; Northside, Southeast,Meinig Ave. and Sleepy Hollow lift stations ran a total of 368 hours with no significant problems.

STREETS – The street sweeping contractor spent 38.25 hours sweeping streets and collected 10 tons (16 cu. yds.) of debris, covering 133 lane miles.  We applied de-icer to collector and arterial streets three times during the month. PW staff were called out on the early on the 28th to plow snow.

PARKS / OTHER – Parks staff cleaned up branches and downed trees in various parks after storm events.