Monthly Report – November, 2019 Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 31,034,000 gallons of water were treated and delivered during November. 6,976,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 9,013,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,045,000 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Production at Brownell Springs was still limited to 90 gpm in November. Maximum day production was 1.47 MG on November 28. 3.48 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month. The WTP was taken out of service by a flowmeter failure on the 27th. We were able to draw more water from the PWB source to compensate. The WTP was returned to service on the 29th.

WASTEWATER – A total of 30,910,000 gallons of sewage were treated and used for irrigation. Maximum flow was 1.24 MGD on the 29th (no rain recorded on prior days – the 29th was the day after Thanksgiving. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 1.8 inches. 432,150 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Discharge to Tickle Creek commenced on the 26th. Average BOD concentration was 7 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) BOD lbs discharged were 47 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day) Average SS concentration was 19.3 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) BOD lbs discharged were 128.7 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day) during the five days of discharge to Tickle Creek.

Monthly Report – October, 2019 Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 30,797,000 gallons of water were treated and delivered during the October. 9,558,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 6,270,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 14,947,000 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Production at Brownell Springs was still limited to 90 gpm in October and will likely remain at that level until significant rainfall increases streamflow in Cedar Creek. Maximum day production was 1.7 MG on October 22. 5.04 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month.

WASTEWATER – A total of 35,670,000 gallons of sewage were treated and used for irrigation. Maximum flow was 1.73 MGD on the 19th (0.25 inches of rain on 10/18 and 0.86 inches on 10/19). Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 6.54 inches. 236,680 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Aeration basin 1 and clarifier 2 were cleaned and returned to service. Two reclaimed water pumps were rebuilt. Filter cloth on the effluent filters were replaced with new covers. There were six positive total coliform exceedences (none contained e. coli) during the month. Veolia staff believe this was a result of bacterial regrowth in the effluent pipeline under gravity flow conditions. The Plant Optimization Improvements Project was completed in September.

STREETS – Clackamas County road maintenance staff performed centerline and fog lane striping on City streets. They were unable to complete all streets before the weather turned. The remaining streets will be striped in 2020.

Monthly Report – September, 2019 Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 35,890,000 gallons of water were treated and delivered during the September. 17,414,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 3,500,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 14,975,000 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 2.02 MGD on the 3rd. Production at Brownell Springs was still limited to 90 gpm in September and will likely remain at that level until significant rainfall increases streamflow in Cedar Creek. 5.6 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month. A leaking gasket on booster pump No. 1 was repaired.

WASTEWATER – A total of 32,740,000 gallons of sewage were treated and used for irrigation. Maximum flow was 1.50 MGD on the 18th (0.09 inches of rain on 9/17 and 0.02 inches on 9/18). Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 4.84 inches. 235,370 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Two air supply valves were replaced. Two reclaimed water pumps were rebuilt. The scum sweep arm in clarifier No. 2 was repaired and a reclaimed water pump was rebuilt. There were six positive total coliform exceedences (none contained e. coli) during the month.

STREETS – The slurry sealing project started and finished in September. The contract originally called for all work to be completed prior to the start of school but the contractor experienced weather delays on other projects and wasn’t able to start in Sandy until after September 3rd. 855,200 sq. ft. (about 19.6 acres) of street surface were treated on this project.