Monthly Report – August 2015 – Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 53,716,000 gallons of water were delivered, 34,189,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 3,888,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,639,000 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Maximum day production was 2.05 MG on August 5th. 1.68 inches of rainfall were recorded at the treatment plant site during August. A pump motor at Terra Fern pump station was replaced and a spare pump motor at Alder Creek Treatment Plant was rebuilt and stored for backup. Accumulated sludge was cleaned from the backwash pond using a rented excavator and pump. The sludge will be stored on site until it dries out enough to haul away.

WASTEWATER – A total of 34,350,000 gallons of sewage were treated and used for irrigation. Minimum flow was 0.99 MGD on the 13th. Maximum flow was 1.47 MGD on the 30th. Rainfall was 0.27 inches on the 29th and 0.15 on the 30th. A total of 1.01 inches of rainfall was recorded during August.  BOD concentration was 6.2 mg/l; BOD loading was 62 lbs; permit allows 10 mg/l and 125 lbs.; SS concentration was 10 mg/l; SS loading was 69 lbs.; permit allows 10 mg/l and 125 lbs.  Effluent permit loading and limits do not apply when treated wastewater is used for irrigation. These figures are shown to demonstrate treatment efficiency. Forty-four dry tons of sludge were processed in August and 41 dry tons were hauled and spread on local pasture land. We had a significant failure on the standby generator at the the plant, costing over $42,000 to repair. The pumps at Marcy St.; Northside, Southside, Southeast, Southwest and Meinig Ave. lift stations ran a total of 238 hours with no significant problems.

STREETS – The street sweeping contractor spent 53 hours sweeping streets and collected more than 7 tons (25 cu. yds.) of debris, covering 158 lane miles.  A total of 9 tons of asphalt were used patching potholes and making street repairs in August. City crews hauled and spread over 280 cubic yards of bark mulch in medians on Bell St. and Jewelberry Ave. We caught up on weed mowing and trimming in rights-of-ways in August and were able to devote more time to projects like the medians.

PARKS / OTHER – The existing irrigation pump at Sandy Bluff park was repaired and returned to service in August. Resuming Irrigation and the rain we had in August allowed the grass in the park to start greening up again.