Monthly Report, September 2012 – Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 42,953,600 gallons of water were produced, 30,092,000 at Alder Creek Treatment Plant and 12,861,600 at Brownell Springs. Peak day water production was 1.85 MG on the 16th. A total of 0.16 inches of rainfall were recorded at the treatment plant site during the month. City crews repaired a leak on the 16” transmission main from Alder Creek a main leak on Bluff Rd. and a service line leak on McCormick Dr.

SEWER – A total of 25,210,000 gallons of wastewater were treated and reused for irrigation purposes. Minimum flow was 0.75 MGD on the 4th. Maximum day flow was 0.95 MGD on the 9th. No rainfall was recorded at the treatment plant site during the month. We were in compliance with our waste discharge permit for the month of September. BOD concentration was 7 mg/l; BOD loading was 69 lbs.; permit allows 10 mg/l and 83 lbs.; SS concentration was 4  mg/l; SS loading was 41.4 lbs.; permit allows 10 mg/l and 83 lbs. 465,440 gallons of liquid sludge were pressed into 33 dry tons of sludge which was hauled and spread on local pastureland approved by DEQ for this use.  One of the aeration basins and one of the clarifiers were drained for annual cleaning. The pumps at Marcy St.; Northside, Southeast and Meinig Ave. lift stations ran a total of 200 hours with no significant problems.

STREETS – The street sweeping contractor spent 49 hours sweeping streets and collected 17 tons (23 cu. yds.) of debris, covering 142 lane miles. Work wrapped up on the 2012 paving projects, centerline, bike and turn lane striping and legends were applied to arterial and collector streets.  No parking areas on Proctor and Pioneer, city facility parking lot striping and stop bars on local streets were painted by City crews.

 PARKS / OTHER –  Accumulated sediment was cleaned from the Parkway subdivision detention pond in Meinig Park. The beaver dam on No Name creek east of Ruben Lane was removed once we received the blessing of ODFW and DSL. The beaver, true to its industrious nature started rebuilding the same evening. A drain inlet was installed on the low point of the pond to collect overflow should the beaver restore the dam to its former elevation. This will prevent the overflow from running over the sidewalk.