Monthly Report – Public Works Department, February 2014

WATER – A total of 24,918,200 gallons of water were produced, 17,580,000 at Alder Creek Treatment Plant and 7,338,200 at Brownell Springs. Peak day water production was 1.52 MG on the 12th. A total of 11.3 inches of rainfall were recorded at the treatment plant site during February. A PLC failure at the water plant and the heavy rains the week of the 10th reduced water production considerably but we were able to return Brownell Springs to service on the 13th and increase production. PW staff responded to six call outs for frozen or burst pipes during the cold snap. Work on the chlorine conversion project at Brownell Springs and Alder Creek WTP continued.  Work on the Intertie project continued also. The booster pump station electrical work and yard piping and pump skid installation at the reservoir site were completed.

SEWER – A total of 56,170,000 gallons of wastewater were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Minimum flow was 0.84 MGD on the 19th. Maximum day flow was 3.38 MGD on the 14th. Rainfall was 0.65″ on February 13th and 0.5″ on the 14th. Influent flow to the plant exceeded 2.5 MGD for 10 days straight (02/11 through 02/21) 7.95 inches of rainfall were recorded at the treatment plant site during February.  BOD concentration was 8.1 mg/l; BOD loading was 85.2 lbs.; permit allows 10 mg/l and 125 lbs.; SS concentration was 6.0  mg/l; SS loading was 58.4 lbs.; permit allows 10 mg/l and 125 lbs. We were in compliance with our discharge permit for the month of February.   No sludge was processed during the month.  The pumps at Marcy St.; Northside, Southside, Southeast, Southwest and Meinig Ave. lift stations ran a total of 430 hours. Due to a PLC failure we had an overflow at the Northside pump station on the 17th. Staff responded within 20 minutes of the call and restored the station to normal operations.

STREETS – The street sweeping contractor spent 66 hours sweeping streets and collected more than 30 tons (46 cu. yds.) of debris, covering 201 lane miles. Unfortunately less than two days after the sweeping was completed a big windstorm blew a lot of branches and needles out of trees onto the streets. Staff devoted about 156 hours of time to plowing and sanding operations during the February snow and ice storm.

PARKS / OTHER – Parks staff devoted time to clearing snow at transit stops and cleaning up storm debris in parks and open space (including the birch tree at City Hall). On February 22nd three PW staff members chipped up storm debris, branches, etc. brought in by residents after the freezing rain event – we had approximately 11 residents take advantage of this service.