Monthly Report – Public Works Department March 2016

WATER – A total of 29,108,000 gallons of water were treated and delivered, 2,448,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 10,936,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,724,000 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Maximum day production was 1.05 MG on March 4th. 9.33 inches of rainfall were recorded at the treatment plant site during the month. A motor starter on a pump at the Terra Fern pump station was replaced.

WASTEWATER – A total of 71,460,000 gallons of sewage were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Minimum flow was 1.57 MGD on the 31st. Maximum flow was 3.77 MGD on the 14th. Rainfall was 0.65 inches on the 13th and 0.50 inches on the 15th. A total of 7.82 inches of rainfall were recorded during March.  BOD concentration was 11.7 mg/l; BOD loading was 224 lbs; permit allows 10 mg/l and 125 lbs.; SS concentration was 12.1 mg/l; SS loading was 235 lbs.; permit allows 10 mg/l and 125 lbs.  Due to equipment failure and heavy rainfall in March the wastewater plant exceeded permit limits.  The pumps at Marcy St.; Northside, Southside, Southeast, Southwest and Meinig Ave. lift stations ran a total of 573 hours with no significant problems.

STREETS & STORM – The street sweeping contractor spent 63 hours sweeping streets and collected more than 17 tons (29 cu. yds.) of debris, covering 163 lane miles. We were able to take advantage of the dry weather and catch up on some street and utility trench patching associated with water or sewer repair projects. Nine tons of asphalt were used in this work.

PARKS, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS –  Blackberries and ivy were removed from all of the areas along the Tickle Creek corridor that were sprayed in January and February. Our Parks utility worker, Steve Gillis retired effective at the end of March and we began the process to fill the position.