WATER – A total of 29,793,800 gallons of water were treated and delivered, 9,980,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 8,810,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 11,003,800 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Maximum day production was 1.69 MG on November 19th. 10.8 inches of rainfall were recorded at the treatment plant site during the month. The 2.0 MG Vista Loop reservoir was cleaned, inspected and returned to service.The 1.0 MG reservoir at the same site has been taken out service for the winter. With the heavy rains at the end of October we were able to increase the flow at Brownell Springs on November 4th. CH2M staff worked on rebuilding components on the smaller filter units at the Treatment Plant. They were also able to salvage a streaming current monitor from one of their other projects in Oregon for use at the water plant, saving us the expense of a new unit ($7,500). The screens on the raw water intake were cleaned on the 24th.
WASTEWATER – A total of 67,022,000 gallons of sewage were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Minimum flow was 1.4 MGD on the 30th. Maximum flow was 3.33 MGD on the 19th. Rainfall was 1.0 inches on the 19th . A total of 10.55 inches of rainfall were recorded during November. BOD concentration was 11.7 mg/l; BOD loading was 223 lbs; permit allows 10 mg/l and 125 lbs.; SS concentration was 13 mg/l; SS loading was 262 lbs.; permit allows 10 mg/l and 125 lbs. Due to heavy rainfall the first week in November the wastewater plant exceeded permit limits on the 3rd and 4th. Delivery of irrigation water to Iseli Nursery ceased and discharge to Tickle Creek resumed on November 2nd. The pumps at Marcy St.; Northside, Southside, Southeast, Southwest and Meinig Ave. lift stations ran a total of 647 hours with no significant problems.
STREETS – The street sweeping contractor spent 101 hours sweeping streets and collected more than 90 tons (132 cu. yds.) of debris, covering 383 lane miles. Work was suspended on the 2015 Pavement Maintenance Project due to weather, work will resume in late spring. We had two people out responding to street flooding calls overnight on October 31st/November 1st.
PARKS, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS – The beaver dam on NoName Creek immediately east of Ruben Lane blew out in the October 31/November 1 storm event. All traces of the dam and its builder(s) are gone.
The west half of the Sandy Bluff Dog Park was reopened. The City Arborist performed the annual safety review of trees on all City properties, including right-of-ways, open spaces and parks. The windstorm on November 17th blew down about 14 trees at the east end of the Tickle Creek Trail corridor. PW staff opened up the trail in time for the Tickle Trot 5K on Thanksgiving.
P,B&G staff installed Christmas lights on City buildings. PW staff installed a 24″ socket and cover for the Christmas tree in the plaza.