Monthly Report – May, 2021 Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 42,532,280 gallons of water were treated and delivered during May. 19,060,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant; 8,086,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,386,280 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.7 MGD on May 21st. 3.96 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month with a peak of 1.0 inches on the 24th.

WASTEWATER – A total of 32,440,000 gallons of sewage were treated and pumped to Iseli Nursery for irrigation use. Maximum flow was 1.9 MGD on the 25th, with 0.9 inches on the 24th and 0.52 inches on the 25th. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 2.95 inches with a peak of 0.52 inches on the 25th. 700,350 gallons of sludge were dewatered and processed. Monthly Average Effluent BOD was non-detectable. Monthly Average Effluent TSS was 15.0 mg/l. Monthly BOD and TSS limits do not apply when effluent is used for irrigation purposes. These figures are shown to demonstrate treatment efficiency. Total coliform on May 21st was 24.6 MPN (most probable number) exceeding the 23.0 MPN permit standard for class B recycled water. Aeration basin #2 was drained in anticipation of the renovation work to take place later in the summer

STREETS – City crews began relocating or adjusting utilities at several sites in Proctor Blvd. and US 26 for the ODOT ADA ramp project. Weeds and tall vegetation on City right-of-way were mowed.

PARKS, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS – P,B & G staff prepped irrigation systems in City parks in preparation for summer.

Monthly Report April, 2021 – Public Works Department

Posted on April 19, 2021 by mwalker

WATER – A total of 32,822,000 gallons of water were treated and delivered during April. 12,330,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant; 5,566,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 14,926,000 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.63 MGD on April 3rd.1.61 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month with a peak of 0.5 inches on the 25th.

WASTEWATER – A total of 29,620,000 gallons of sewage were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Maximum flow was 1.7 MGD on the 25th, with 0.03 inches on the 24th and 0.61 inches on the 25th. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 0.89 inches with a peak of 0.61 inches on the 25th. 718,950 gallons of sludge were dewatered and processed. Monthly Average Effluent BOD was 6.13 mg/l, permit allows: 10 mg/l. Monthly Average Effluent TSS was 13.9 mg/l, permit allows: 10 mg/l. We exceeded the permit monthly average for total suspended solids in April. One of the effluent pumps was removed and sent out for rebuilding in preparation for summer irrigation season.

STREETS – Work is nearly complete on the LED conversion project. We have provided the contractor with a punchlist and PW staff is receiving training on the streetlight management software. The contractor finished up the punchlist for CDBG ADA ramp replacement project and the City participated in the utility relocation walkthrough for the ODOT ADA ramp project.

PARKS, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS – P,B & G staff de-winterized restrooms and drinking fountains in City parks, over-seeded bare areas in parks and applied fertilizer to turf grass.

Monthly Report, Public Works Department – March 2021

WATER – A total of 34,299,060 gallons of water were treated and delivered during March. 10,714,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant; 8,299,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,286,060 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.45 MGD on March 31st. 4.59 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month with a peak of 0.89 inches on the 21st. We continue to have leased line communications issues at Brownell Springs. City crews have replaced all but about 10 of the remaining manual read meters (out of about 67 total) from the smart meter conversion project. These were sites that needed to be re-plumbed on the customer side or City side before a new meter could be installed. The conversion should be complete by the end of May.

WASTEWATER – A total of 40,960,000 gallons of sewage were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Maximum flow was 1.69 MGD on the 1st, no rainfall on this day or the day prior. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 3.27 inches with a peak of 0.37 inches on the 13th. 875,360 gallons of sludge were dewatered and processed. Monthly Average Effluent BOD was 6.8 mg/l, permit allows: 10 mg/l. Monthly Average Effluent TSS was 8.9 mg/l, permit allows: 10 mg/l. We were in compliance with our discharge permit for the month of March. One of the effluent pumps was removed and sent out for rebuilding in preparation for summer irrigation season.

STREETS – Work is nearly complete on the LED conversion project. We have provided the contractor with a punchlist and PW staff is receiving training on the streetlight management software. The contractor finished up the punchlist for CDBG ADA ramp replacement project and the City participated in the utility relocation walkthrough for the ODOT ADA ramp project.

PARKS, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS – P,B & G staff de-winterized restrooms and drinking fountains in City parks, over-seeded bare areas in parks and applied fertilizer to turf grass.

Monthly Report February 2021 – Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 31,287,843 gallons of water were treated and delivered during January. 8,009,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant; 8,679,500 gallons from Brownell Springs and 14,518,343 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.68 MGD on February 15th. 9.65 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month with a peak of 1.37 inches on the 18th. There were some issues with power and access to Alder Creek WTP during the ice storm but we were able to draw more water from the PWB source to make up for lost production.

WASTEWATER – A total of 65,060,000 gallons of sewage were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Maximum flow was 4.16 MGD on the 16th, rainfall on the 15th totaled 0.67 inches and rainfall on the 16th totaled 0.22 inches. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 7.86 inches with a peak of 0.97 inches on the 13th. 442,726 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Monthly Average Effluent BOD was 5.8 mg/l, permit allows: 10 mg/l. Monthly Average Effluent TSS was 6.0 mg/l, permit allows: 10 mg/l. We had a monthly average violation (4.0 mg/l, permit allows 3.7 mg/l) for effluent ammonia in February.

STREETS – City staff devoted about 120 hours of time to snow and ice control during the storm on the weekend of the 13th, 14th and 15th. PW staff unloaded and chipped up tree and limb debris brought in by residents between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM on Saturday, February 27th. We had 11 residents take advantage of this service and it generated approximately 4 cubic yards of chips.

PARKS, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS – P,B & G staff cleaned up fallen branches and downed trees in City parks after the ice storm.

Monthly Report – Public Works Department, January 2021

WATER – A total of 34,290,238 gallons of water were treated and delivered during January. 11,730,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 8,197,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,363,238 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.83 MGD on January 14th. 10.32 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month with a peak of 1.86 inches on January 13th. Our utility billing software vendor was finally able to get their software to work with the smart meter vendor’s software in time for the January billing eliminating the need to manually enter readings for several hundred accounts that had been a monthly task for the past seven months.

WASTEWATER – A total of 61,380,000 gallons of sewage were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Maximum flow was 3.99 MGD on the 13th, rainfall on the 12th totaled 0.71 inches and rainfall on the 13th totaled 1.86 inches. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 7.86 inches with a peak of 1.86 inches on the 13th. 526,510 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Monthly Average Effluent BOD was 10.63 mg/l, permit allows: 10 mg/l. Monthly Average Effluent TSS was 22.13 mg/l, permit allows: 10 mg/l. We had monthly average violations for effluent BOD, TSS and ammonia due to high flows on January 12th and 13th.

STREETS – City staff finished demolition of existing, non-compliant ramps for the ADA ramp replacement project. The contractor completed the remaining ramps (15) in January. The City’s contract street sweeper did not perform any sweeping in the month of January.

Monthly Report December 2020 – Public Woks Department

WATER – A total of 33,182,533 gallons of water were treated and delivered during September. 11,272,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 6,589,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,321,533 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.86 MGD on December 11th. 11.96 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month with a peak of 2.9 inches on December 19th. The smart meter conversion project is at 99% completion and the installation contractor has demobilized. There are approximately 38 meters remaining to be converted. These installations require plumbing or other piping changes that will be performed by City staff over the next month or two. We had some trouble with our utility billing software processing new meter installations and customer changes which required manual entry of reads by Jayme for about 700-800 accounts each month. We expect our software vendor to have this remedied by the December billing cycle.

WASTEWATER – A total of 66,520,000 gallons of sewage were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Maximum flow was 6.56 MGD on the 20th, rainfall on the 19th totaled 0.2 inches and rainfall on the 20th totaled 1.07 inches. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 7.92 inches with a peak of 1.07 inches on the 20th. 354,070 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Monthly Average Effluent BOD was 8.8 mg/l, permit allows: 10 mg/l. Monthly Average Effluent TSS was 7.4 mg/l, permit allows: 10 mg/l. We complied with the requirements of our discharge permit when flows were below 2.5 MGD. We had two daily maximum violations for effluent BOD and three daily maximum violations for TSS during the high flow event on December 20 and 21. During the high flow event on 12/20 and 12/21 the influent screen was damaged and temporarily removed from service. The influent screen was cleaned by hand during this time. There was a lot of gravel in the transmission main that would have damaged the screen. Veolia staff installed a weir that trapped rocks and debris upstream the screen allowing it to be placed back into service.

STREETS – City staff continued demolition of existing, non-compliant ramps for the ADA ramp replacement project. We had to replace a stormwater manhole in the sidewalk to lower it enough to avoid exceeding ADA maximum slopes at one ramp location. This was a big job during the wet weather. The contractor followed behind prepping, forming, pouring and finishing the new ramps. About half the ramps (fifteen) were demolished and replaced in December. The City’s contract street sweeper spent 178 hours sweeping over 500 curb miles of streets while collecting 149 cubic yards (48 tons) of debris. There was a lot of debris on the streets from the wind storms in December. Work was wrappingd up on the LED streetlight conversion in December. There are still about 30 lights that need to be replaced owing to problems on the PGE side, replacement parts and other issues.

PARKS, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS – Oregon Tree Care removed or performed thinning to reduce wind sail area on several trees in Meinig Park. Issues with these trees were identified during the City’s annual hazard tree assessment in October.

Monthly Report – Public Works Department, November 2020

WATER – A total of 35,097,926 gallons of water were treated and delivered during September. 11,463,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 8,380,800 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,254,126 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.86 MGD on November 3rd. We had been having intermittent SCADA communications issues at Brownell Springs over the past year. Ziply installed new equipment on the phone service line which seems to have cured this issue. 11.58 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month with a peak of 1.65 inches on November 13th. The smart meter conversion project was at 99% completion. There are approximately 38 meters remaining to be converted. These installations require plumbing or other piping changes that will be performed by City staff over the next two months. We had some trouble with our utility billing software processing new meter installations and customer changes which required manual entry of reads by Jayme for about 700-800 accounts each month. We expect our software vendor to have this remedied by the December billing cycle.

WASTEWATER – A total of 50,930,000 gallons of sewage were treated and re-used for irrigation or discharged to Tickle Creek. Maximum flow was 2.75 MGD on the 14th, rainfall on the 13th totaled 0.62 inches and rainfall on the 14th totaled 0,9 inches. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 8.22 inches with a peak of 1.24 inches on the 6th. 354,070 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Effluent BOD was 4.4 mg/l, permit allows: 10 mg/l. Effluent TSS was 4.7 mg/l, permit allows: 10 mg/l. With the exception of not meeting the 10:1 stream flow to effluent dilution ratio on one day (11/12) we complied with our wastewater discharge permit for November. Staff from the effluent filter manufacturer were on-site to perform some warranty work on the rebuild performed this summer. Repair and/or rebuild work also took place on the sludge belt press, the clarifier spray system and process water system.

STREETS – City staff began work on the demolition of existing, non-compliant ramps for the ADA ramp replacement project. The contractor will follow behind to prep, form =, pour and finish the new ramps. The City’s contract street sweeper spent 153 hours sweeping over 500 curb miles of streets while collecting 135 cubic yards (45 tons) of debris. The contractor on the LED streetlight conversion project began replacing the failing laminated wood poles in neighborhoods south of US 26 and west of OR-211. As of the end of November 828 lights or lights and poles out of 1,012 total had been replaced.

PARKS, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS – We lost several trees along the east end of the Tickle Creek trail after the windstorm in November. Parks, Buildings and Ground and Public Works staff cleared the trail to open it for users. More extensive work will be required in the spring to chip up the debris to reduce fire danger. P, B and G staff installed holiday decorations on City buildings and at Centennial Plaza. Public Works staff felled, transported and installed the Christmas tree donated by Knapp Farms in Centennial Plaza.

Monthly Report Public Works Department September, 2020

WATER – A total of 45,859,591 gallons of water were treated and delivered during September. 20,270,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 7,182,720 gallons from Brownell Springs and 18,406,871 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 3.35 MGD on September 10th. This is the historic peak day for our system. The planned PGE power shutdown in the Hoodland Corridor forced us to run the treatment plant and pump stations on generator power during the wildfire event. This also meant loss of SCADA communications which forced Veolia staff to run the plant and pump stations with only ‘snapshot’ views of the system which reduced production from these sources. The bulk of the peak day production consisted of about 2.5 MGD from City of Portland. We were very fortunate that we had this alternate source to satisfy water demand during the fires. 2.58 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month with 1.06 inches on September 25th.

WASTEWATER – A total of 26,560,000 gallons of sewage were treated and re-used for irrigation. Maximum flow was 1.17 MGD on the 26th. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 2.96 inches with a peak of 1.28 inches on the 24th. 640,510 gallons of sludge were dewatered and stored for future landfilling. We complied with our wastewater discharge permit for September. The work on the second effluent filter was delayed by air quality issues during the wildfires it should be completed in October. Veolia staff repaired several pumps at the plant site and sent one pump off for repairs.

STREETS – City staff continued painting parking stalls in City lots and stop bars at arterial and collector street intersections. The City’s contract street sweeper spent 81 hours sweeping 51 lane miles of streets while collecting 41 cubic yards of debris, most of it resulting from the windstorm in early September. Public Works staff spent about 120 hours picking up and disposing of debris from the windstorm. The contractor on the LED streetlight conversion project paused work during the poor air quality period following the wildfires.

PARKS, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS – Parks, Buildings and Grounds staff spent time cleaning up storm damage and posting new signage once parks facilities were added to the list of venues that could be opened to the public. P,B&G staff also spent time cleaning up the grounds and removing sight-obscuring vegetation around the rental house in Bornstedt Park to make it more visible to the surrounding neighborhood. Work continued on repairing water damage and refinishing the floors in the rental house.

Monthly report – Public Works Department October, 2020

WATER – A total of 37,114,286 gallons of water were treated and delivered during October. 13,200,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 8,660,160 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,254,126 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.61 MGD on October 21st. 5.1 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month with 1.54 inches on October 9th. The smart meter replacement project wrapped up in October and will be completed once backordered meters arrive. The October billing was the first using the AMR system and a few manual reads performed by City staff to collect all meter readings.

WASTEWATER – A total of 24,060,000 gallons of sewage were treated and re-used for irrigation. Maximum flow was 1.74 MGD on the 12th. Rainfall totaled 1.0 inches on October 11th. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 3.15 inches with a peak of one inch on the 11th. 647,040 gallons of sludge were dewatered and stored for future landfilling. We had one exceedance of the total coliform limit on the effluent that was conveyed to the land application site for irrigation. The work on the effluent filters was completed but filter No. 1 lost a seal that will be replaced in November. Veolia staff prepared and tested the UV disinfection system for use during the winter discharge season. Several major components of the influent screening system were replaced or rebuilt in October. Transducers on four of the five collection system flow meters were replaced under the manufacturer’s warranty and they are more reliably and consistently reporting level and velocity data.

STREETS – The contractor resumed work on the LED streetlight conversion project in October. We applied liquid de-icer during the cold snap during the last week of October.

PARKS, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS – Repair and restoration work was completed on the rental house at Bornstedt Park in preparation for renting it in November. About 1:00 PM on October 30th a neighbor observed a break-in at the house. A window was broken and a door jamb was damaged in an attempt to gain access. Sandy PD responded quickly and made contact with several juveniles in Bornstedt Park and identified a suspect. The property manager made arrangements for the repairs.

Monthly Report – August, 2020 Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 52,084,929 gallons of water were treated and delivered during August. 28,930,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 7,780,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,374,929 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 2.22 MGD on August 14th. 0.63 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month. One of the raw water booster pumps was removed for repairs.

WASTEWATER – A total of 27,150,000 gallons of sewage were treated and re-used for irrigation. Maximum flow was 0.96 MGD on the 26th. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 0.42 inches with a peak of .25 inches on the 17th. 695,060 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Effluent BOD and TSS loading were both 8 mg/l. Effluent pounds BOD and TSS discharged was 45 lbs. Permit allows 10 mg/l and 125 lbs.
We complied with our wastewater discharge permit for August. Even though effluent BOD and TSS limits do not apply when treated wastewater is reused for irrigation these results are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of treatment. Theses results are below the ‘winter’ permit limits (10 mg/l) and show the effectiveness of the rebuilt effluent filter system. The work on the remaining filter was delayed by the outdoor air quality issues. Clarifier #2 was returned to service and Clarifier #1 was cleaned and inspected. Veolia staff repaired several pumps at the plant site and sent one pump off for repairs.

STREETS – City staff continued painting parking stalls in City lots and stop bars at arterial and collector street intersections. Clackamas County finished centerline, bike lane and fog line striping on City streets in August.

PARKS, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS – The tenant moved out of the rental house at Bornstedt Park in July. While the house was between tenants there was a leak in the plumbing that damaged some drywall. We turned in the claim to our insurance carrier and are waiting for the claim to be resolved to get the repairs made. In the meantime P, B&G staff cleaned up the grounds around the house and removed some overgrown vegetation. We re-opened the restrooms in Meinig Park and at the Transit Center on weekdays in July. We were unable to fill the Parks Seasonal Worker position so we do not have weekend coverage that would allow us to keep restrooms open on weekends. We do have portable toilets in Meinig and other parks that are cleaned daily by the servicing company to accommodate park users.