Monthly Report-Public Works Department July, 2020

WATER – A total of 47,776,300 gallons of water were treated and delivered during July. 24,506,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 7,866,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,404,300 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.55 MGD on July 27th. 0.37 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month. The state Drinking Water Services section performed their tri-annual water system survey on June 30th. One of the pumps at Terra Fern reservoir was taken out of service for repairs.

WASTEWATER – A total of 28,050,000 gallons of sewage were treated and re-used for irrigation. Maximum flow was 0.97 MGD on the 1st (rainfall was 0.06″ on the 30th and 0.01″ on the 1st). Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 0.3 inches. 330,900 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Effluent BOD and TSS loading were both below 10 mg/l. Even though effluent BOD and TSS limits do not apply when treated wastewater is reused for irrigation these results are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of treatment. Theses results are below the ‘winter’ permit limits (10 mg/l) and show the effectiveness of the rebuilt effluent filter system. The work on the remaining filter is nearly complete. We complied with our wastewater discharge permit for July. Clarifier #2 was removed form service, cleaned and inspected on July 30th. Veolia and their contractor replaced several components on the sludge belt press which improved performance and production from 50-60 gpm to nearly 100 gpm.

STREETS – City staff started painting parking stalls in City lots and stop bars at arterial and collector street intersections. Clackamas County started centerline, bike lane and fog line striping on City streets in July. Our seasonal worker began work cutting weeds and vegetation in the right-of-way of unimproved streets. 

PARKS, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS – The tenant moved out of the rental house at Bornstedt Park in July. While the house was between tenants there was a leak in the plumbing that damaged some drywall. We turned in the claim to our insurance carrier and are waiting for the claim to be resolved to get the repairs made. In the meantime P, B&G staff cleaned up the grounds around the house and removed some overgrown vegetation. We re-opened the restrooms in Meinig Park and at the Transit Center on weekdays in July. We were unable to fill the Parks Seasonal Worker position so we do not have weekend coverage that would allow us to keep restrooms open on weekends. We do have portable toilets in Meinig and other parks that are cleaned daily by the servicing company to accommodate park users. 


Monthly Report Public Works Department – June 2020

WATER – A total of 38,015,000 gallons of water were treated and delivered during June. 15,270,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 7,950,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,035,000 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.58 MGD on June 23rd. 6.80 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month. The manufacturers’s field service technician visited the WTP on June 30th to review the existing filters and make recommendations for upgrades.

WASTEWATER – A total of 41,510,000 gallons of sewage were treated and re-used for irrigation. Maximum flow was 2.4 MGD on the 16th (rainfall was 0.35″ on the 15th and 0.51″ on the 16th). Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 4.69 inches. 167,180 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Effluent BOD loading was 15.1 lbs/day BOD concentration was 2.0 mg/l Effluent TSS loading was 54.29 lbs/day TSS concentration was 7.0 mg/l. Even though effluent BOD and TSS limits do not apply when treated wastewater is reused for irrigation these results are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of treatment. These results are well below ‘winter’ permit limits (125 lbs/day and 10 mg/l) and show the effectiveness of the rebuilt effluent filter system. Even with only one filter online we were able to exceed the permit standards despite the unusually wet June we had. The 2.4 MGD peak day referenced above was easily handled by the sole effluent filter in service. A field service engineer from the secondary clarifier manufacturer visited the WWTP on the 30th to review the condition of one of the clarifiers which had been drained for inspection. Murraysmith staff also visited the plant in June to help finalize the recommendations in the pre-design report. A scum pump was replaced the reclaimed water pump that was removed for service on May 12th was returned to service on June 15th. The second RAS pump was installed and placed into service. Both RAS pumps have been replaced with new units. Public Works staff replaced gaskets on air piping with high-temperature gaskets suited for air service.

Monthly Report Public Works Department – May 2020

WATER – A total of 35,020,000 gallons of water were treated and delivered during March. 12,040,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 7,950,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,030,000 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.60 MGD on May 27th. 5.37 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month.

WASTEWATER – A total of 40,034,000 gallons of sewage were treated and re-used for irrigation. Maximum flow was 2.15 MGD on the 19th (rainfall was 0.35″ on the 18th and 0.65″ on the 19th). Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 5.37 inches. 358,330 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Effluent BOD and TSS numbers were not reported since all treated wastewater was re-used for irrigation. A reclaimed water pump failed on May 12th was was sent off for service. A field service team from the effluent filter manufacturer rebuilt effluent filter No. 1 and replaced the filter media with a new product. Effluent TSS levels were below 10 mg/l after the rebuilt filter was placed into operation. The air bladders on the domestic (well) water system and process water system were replaced allowing us to pressurize the systems and more easily determine if there are leaks. Public Works staff installed containment piping to the effluent filter discharge channel and process water discharge line to allow disinfection of one or both process streams.

Monthly Report April 2020 – Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 32,84,100 gallons of water were treated and delivered during April. 10,000,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 7,936,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 14,948,100 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.2 MGD on April 12th. 3.1 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month.

WASTEWATER – A total of 35,260,000 gallons of sewage were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Maximum flow was 2.38 MGD on the 1st (rainfall was 0.31″ on March 31st and 0.26″ on April 1st). Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 1,62 inches. 571,670 gallons of sludge were dewatered and stored. Sludge hauling to Wasco County Landfill resumed in April and the sludge accumulated over the winter was removed. Average BOD concentration was 11.8 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) BOD lbs discharged were 69.7 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day) Average SS concentration was 17.8 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) SS lbs discharged were 106.8 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day). There were permit violations for weekly and monthly SS and BOD concentration and weekly average ammonia in April. Several pumps at the plant were rebuilt or repaired. The last of five flow meters installed in the collection system was placed into service and regular flow monitoring began.

Monthly Report, March 2020 Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 34,500,000 gallons of water were treated and delivered during March. 11,417,600 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 8,249,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 14,834,800 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.60 MGD on March 10th. 6.24 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month.

WASTEWATER – A total of 39,070,000 gallons of sewage were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Maximum flow was 2.66 MGD on the 31st (rainfall was 0.21″ on the 30th and 0.65″ on the 31st). Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 4.04 inches. 123,820 gallons of sludge were dewatered and stored. Average BOD concentration was 15.5 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) BOD lbs discharged were 194 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day) Average SS concentration was 27.9 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) SS lbs discharged were 361.8 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day). There were permit violations for weekly and monthly SS and BOD concentration and loading and monthly average ammonia in March. A new scum pumping system for the clarifiers was installed.

PARKS Parks staff installed closure signs for all City parks on March 27th to comply with the State of Oregon’s social distancing requirements. The closure gave parks staff a good opportunity to rest, fertilize and overseed the turf in the dog park at Sandy Bluff and catch up on other items at City parks.

Monthly Report – February, 2020 Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 33,026,400 gallons of water were treated and delivered during February. 10,711,600 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 7,729,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 14,585,800 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.67 MGD on February 3rd. 6.75 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month.

WASTEWATER – A total of 78,870,000 gallons of sewage were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Maximum flow was 2.68 MGD on the 16th (rainfall was 1.17″ on the 15th and 0.1″ on the 16th). Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 3.67 inches. 288,440 gallons of sludge were dewatered and stored. Average BOD concentration was 12.1 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) BOD lbs discharged were 136 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day) Average SS concentration was 19.5 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) SS lbs discharged were 223 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day). There were permit violations for weekly and monthly SS and BOD concentration and loading in February. The return sludge pump was replaced with a new unit; one of the effluent pumps was replaced; an air leak in the aeration basin piping was repaired; blower #4 was repaired as were two leaks in the domestic and process water piping.

Monthly Report – January, 2020 Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 34,714,300 gallons of water were treated and delivered during January. 10,411,500 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 8,284,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 16,018,800 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 1.04 MGD on January 2nd. 15.48 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month.

WASTEWATER – A total of 72,090,000 gallons of sewage were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Maximum flow was 3.22 MGD on the 11th (rainfall was 0.61″ on the 10th and 0.82″ on the 11th). Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 10.4 inches. 410,480 gallons of sludge were dewatered and stored. Average BOD concentration was 11.88 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) BOD lbs discharged were 199 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day) Average SS concentration was 22.5 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) SS lbs discharged were 446.75 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day). There were permit violations for weekly and monthly SS, BOD and coliform count. Site visits and inspections were performed at all Food Service Establishments (FSEs about 60 total) connected to the system as part of the Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) program. Staff made contact with all FSE operators and helped confirm existing schedules or establish new cleaning and inspection schedules for many of the Food Service Establishments that had not been on a regular cleaning schedule for their grease traps and interceptors.

Monthly Report – December, 2019 Public Works Department


WATER – A total of 35,313,000 gallons of water were treated and delivered during November. 6,976,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 9,013,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,400,332 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Production at Brownell Springs resumed a 200 gpm in December. 6.31 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month. Veolia staff replaced several water quality monitoring devices that were obsolete with new units (furnished by City) at the WTP and Brownell Springs.

WASTEWATER – A total of 42,010,000 gallons of sewage were treated and discharged to Tickle Creek. Maximum flow was 2.28 MGD on the 21st (rainfall was 0.23″ on the 20th and 0.63″ on the 21st). Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 4.75 inches. 360,790 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Average BOD concentration was 12.23 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) BOD lbs discharged were 109.4 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day) Average SS concentration was 22.75 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) BOD lbs discharged were 213.9 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day). There were permit violations for weekly and monthly SS and BOD and Ammonia (single day and monthly average). PW staff assisted Veolia personnel with cleaning the grit chamber and a waste sludge pump was repaired.

Monthly Report – November, 2019 Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 31,034,000 gallons of water were treated and delivered during November. 6,976,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 9,013,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 15,045,000 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Production at Brownell Springs was still limited to 90 gpm in November. Maximum day production was 1.47 MG on November 28. 3.48 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month. The WTP was taken out of service by a flowmeter failure on the 27th. We were able to draw more water from the PWB source to compensate. The WTP was returned to service on the 29th.

WASTEWATER – A total of 30,910,000 gallons of sewage were treated and used for irrigation. Maximum flow was 1.24 MGD on the 29th (no rain recorded on prior days – the 29th was the day after Thanksgiving. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 1.8 inches. 432,150 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Discharge to Tickle Creek commenced on the 26th. Average BOD concentration was 7 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) BOD lbs discharged were 47 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day) Average SS concentration was 19.3 MG/L (permit allows 10 MG/L) BOD lbs discharged were 128.7 lbs/day (permit allows 125 lbs/day) during the five days of discharge to Tickle Creek.

Monthly Report – October, 2019 Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 30,797,000 gallons of water were treated and delivered during the October. 9,558,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, 6,270,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 14,947,000 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Production at Brownell Springs was still limited to 90 gpm in October and will likely remain at that level until significant rainfall increases streamflow in Cedar Creek. Maximum day production was 1.7 MG on October 22. 5.04 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month.

WASTEWATER – A total of 35,670,000 gallons of sewage were treated and used for irrigation. Maximum flow was 1.73 MGD on the 19th (0.25 inches of rain on 10/18 and 0.86 inches on 10/19). Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 6.54 inches. 236,680 gallons of sludge were dewatered and landfilled. Aeration basin 1 and clarifier 2 were cleaned and returned to service. Two reclaimed water pumps were rebuilt. Filter cloth on the effluent filters were replaced with new covers. There were six positive total coliform exceedences (none contained e. coli) during the month. Veolia staff believe this was a result of bacterial regrowth in the effluent pipeline under gravity flow conditions. The Plant Optimization Improvements Project was completed in September.

STREETS – Clackamas County road maintenance staff performed centerline and fog lane striping on City streets. They were unable to complete all streets before the weather turned. The remaining streets will be striped in 2020.