Library Activities : November 2012

On November 14, Scott and I visited the Hoodland Library. It is in a small space, but it is bright, cheery and well organized, as it was when we “inherited” it from the County. The Hoodland Women’s Club is making progress in fund raising towards the new facility that will house the library. They were just awarded $350,000 from the Meyer Memorial Trust, and are waiting to hear about other grants.

On our way back, we dropped in at the Vista Apartments to visit our outreach program there. Katie Murphy and Susan Winsinger were working with the kids on stories for a ‘zine (defined as:  An inexpensively produced, self-published “magazine”) that they are putting together. Their stories and pictures will be printed and each contributor will receive a copy. We may even have one in the library.

Monica and I are both taking part in the Ford Institute Leadership Program. As part of it, we attended the Conference of Communities in Eugene on 11/16-18. Three other cohorts from around the state were also present. We met a lot of great people, heard some interesting speakers and had a great time. Our cohort met again Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 in Welches. At that meeting we developed our ideas for a community project. It will be announced soon!

Several LINCC librarians were invited to sit in on an English class at Clackamas Community College. The students had all visited libraries and bookstores and were reporting back to the class. It was interesting to hear about their observations. I was not really surprised but somewhat disappointed to learn that none of these students were aware of our online resources. One of my major goals is to get the word out in our community about our digital books and reference materials.