Library Activities: March 2015

Program Highlights

We had a fun Kids Club in March at the Sandy Library! Lego Club continues to be very popular. 13 kids and 4 adults attended and they made awesome Lego creations. For our craft program we made paper airplanes and had a competition with them. Minecraft/video games continues to be very popular also.

Our program to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday had 4 kids and two adults come. We ate cupcakes while watching the film “Horton Hears A Who.”

PrudenceThe Read To A Dog program has been building steam. We had several appointments this month.  Read to a Dog happens every Thursday during the school year from 3-4pm.  Call the library to make an appointment!

prudenceMonica Smith and Maureen Skinner attended the Kindergarten Roundup on Tuesday March 31st with Prudence (our “read to the dog” dog),and her owner, Chis. We made some good connections with parents and teachers. We even had a little girl read to Prudence while we were there.

We had a 187 people at our Library Coffee House on Friday March 6th to hear the livery Irish tunes of Hanz Araki & Cary Novotny for our St. Patrick’s Day Coffee House at the Sandy Public Library.

Jesse GardnerSpoken Word Poet, Hip-Hop emcee and Sandy High School alum Jesse Gardner, facilitated a workshop to empower aspiring spoken word poets to share their truth with confidence.  This workshop took place on Friday March 13th.  It was a lively evening.







To gear up for National Poetry month in April, we held an Origami Poetry Program on Sunday, March 15th.  Participants combined poetry with origami to create works of art that are placed all over the library for  the month of April.


Our Teen after hours program was a Teen Movie Night that took place on Friday, March 20th. Eleven teens came to watch Maze Runner, and hear the winners of the Teen Art Contest, which were:

Most Abstract – Erin Karl for “The Devil’s Tea PartyErinKarl





SarahJury2Most Creative – Sarah Jury for “Sunny Flowers”

Fanciest – Sary Jury for “Fairy Flowers”


Greenest – David Gomez for “A greener Oregon”DavidGomez

Most Useful – Matthew Jury for “Earth from Space”MatthewJury2

Best in Show – Matthew Jury for “Penguins”








If the number of books checked out is an indication, then we have quite a few “Armchair Travelers” in Sandy.  We had 27 books go out from our March’s adult book display… that is the highest number since we began the program over a year and a half ago.

We held our first ever March Madness for books at the Sandy Library, pitting titles head-to-head to see which one would come out on top!  After four weeks, and 132 votes, the winner was To Kill a Mockingbird.MarchMadness

Sandy Library Building

Miracle Clean Enterprises donated their time and materials and cleaned all the carpets in the library in two nights.  They look like they are once again brand new!

Hoodland Library Building Update

The RFP for construction was released on March 5th.  One bidder bid on the project.  We are currently in negotiations with Cherryville Construction to reduce the scope of the work of the project to come in under our necessary budget amount.  Building Permits were applied for with the county. Here are a few renderings of the inside of the building:HOODLAND-Interior-01 (2)

HOODLAND-Interior-02 (2)