Library Activities : December 2013

The library offered another Technology Tutoring class on December 3. We had a small group of participants. There is always something new to learn and we are happy that word is spreading that we can help those with questions.

A wonderful mixed media art show was installed the first week in December, and will be in place through March. The artist, Nina Bradford, is from the Spiral Gallery in Estacada.

Monica presented two fun programs. A Teddy Bear Tea was held on Dec. 7. Children brought their teddy bears in for story time and a tea party. The bears stayed overnight at the library and the children picked them up the next day and were able to see pictures of what their bears were up to in the night; climbing trees and riding on the book cart.

A family movie was shown on December 28: Home Alone, a real holiday classic.

The Library board met on Dec. 18. I provided a light supper for them to thank them for their generous contribution to our community.