Library Activities : July 2013

Kathy Draine did an excellent job of finding and displaying art in the library for many years. I’m happy to announce that beginning in September, that job will be done by the Clackamas County Arts Alliance, an organization that installs artwork all over the county.

On July 19, the Sandy and Hoodland libraries closed so that most of the circulation staff could attend the Oregon Library Association’s Support Staff Division conference in Hood River. Reports are that it was fun and informational, and that the Hood River library is beautiful!  The management staff stayed home and performed fix-up work in the library. Upholstery was cleaned, paint was touched up, and rooms were reorganized. A good time was had by all.

Monica has been very busy with the summer reading programs. In July 93 people were served at the Hoodland library, and 175 at the Sandy library. The programs have included story tellers, music makers and reptiles (oh my!)