Library Activities: November 2015


Songwriters in the Round-SH


On November 6th, local singer/songwriter Steve Hale performed at the Library Coffee House.  He was a great interactive performer who engaged the audience in discussion about songwriting.




The new Mind-Body-Spirit adult programming continued for the second month with a 4-week yoga class presented by Nyssa Castle. There were 16 yogis on the class roster. Ms. Castle specializes in gentle therapeutic yoga. She teaches regularly at the Sandy Historical Society building, upstairs.


On November 12th, Folktime met at the Sandy Library for the first time.  In an ongoing partnership, Folktime will be meeting at the library once a month to allow their clients to socialize, and conduct a meditation and yoga class.  Folktime is about connecting individuals who share the experience of living with mental illness through peer support and community based activities.

Identity Theft


On November 19th, we held our last class in our Financial Education series with Clackamas County Bank. It was on Identity Theft.




The Friends of Sandy Library took the opportunity on Veteran’s Day to do a refresh of the Sandy Library.  They painted two walls in the Community Room to brighten things up and IMG_2583added some photoIMG_2582s on one wall.  They touched up walls throughout the library, and placed plastic bumpers in staff areas that get high traffic use.