Library Activities : March 2014


On March 7th we celebrated the library’s 80th anniversary with a “First Friday-type” party. In fact if was the first Friday of March, and with other things going on in town, it was as if we just couldn’t wait until the official First Friday opening in April!

The Rose City Hot Club (left) played depression-era jazz and we had about 100 guests present to hear our speakers, enjoy snacks and music. The Friends of Sandy Library sponsored the program and even supplied the door prize: a two night stay at the Sylvia Beach Hotel. A great time was had by all.



We honored Sara Rees, one of the long-time members of the Sandy Women’s Club. The club created the library in 1934, in a basement of a building that would flood from time to time. The club celebrated their 100th anniversary last year. The picture shows Sara getting a festive crown designed by Olive Rootbeer, clown and balloon artist extraordinaire.






Olive returned to help us with our annual recognition of Dr. Seuss on Saturday, March 8. There were stories, songs, treats and balloons!




Forest Ries, Library Technician, left us to move to New York. We will miss him very much. We promoted August George to the position of Technician and we hired two new shelvers, Breanna Cohen and Riley Blake. Ashley Kritzeck was promoted to Library Assistant and the Library Director job announcement has been posted to the national American Library Association website, as well as local websites.

Monica presented a “Tattoo a Banana” program for teens this month and also attended a meeting to learn about Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program.