Library Activities : May 2014

The Library Coffee House event on May 2nd was a big success. Aaron Meyer and his violin really rocked the house! He shared the stage with three of his students, all violin proteges. In this way he showed his humble character to the audience. It was a very entertaining evening. We’re lucky that we’ll be able to see him again this summer with Music in the Park.

Interviews for my job (Library Director) were held on May 7. We chose 5 excellent candidates from  25 applicants. Three of the interviews were “live” and the other two were on skype, since the interviewees lived in Michigan and New York. All of the interviews went well, and all of the members of the interview panel (Nancy Enabnit, Lisa Young, Chris Wilhelmi, Seth and myself) agreed on our top choice– Sarah McIntyre. Sarah was last employed at West Linn Public Library, and comes to us very well trained in Workflows and Symphony, our Integrated Library systems. Sarah will start as Director on Tuesday, July 1.

In conjunction with many libraries in Oregon, we presented an “Oregon Reads” program, honoring the centennial of William Stafford. Stevan Allred (from Estacada) emceed a Film viewing of the documentary Every War has Two Losers. He also read aloud Stafford’s recently published The Osage Orange Tree. As he read, we projected woodcut images from the book. Stevan then lead a discussion about Stafford’s poetry and his pacifism. This program was sponsored by the Friends of Sandy Library. geese 3




Woodcut images by Dennis Cunningham from The Osage Orange Tree 

Last Month I reported on our plans to move the Hoodland Library to another location. The Hoodland Women’s Club have decided not to build the community center that they’ve been planning and Mercury Development is holding us to the statement in the lease that says we can cancel our lease to move into the community center. Therefore, we can’t move out of the Hoodland Shopping Center until the lease expires in June 2015. Seth, Sarah and I have discussed plans to move in a year, and are looking at options to make the move a reality in 2015. It will enhance library services in the Hoodland area, and cost less than what we are currently paying.