Library Activities: February 2015

Program Highlights medSuzanne_trio

Our February First Friday Library Coffee House had Bob Burgeni & Suzanne Callaway present  “A Jazzy Valentine”, an acoustic, romance themed evening of fun jazz tunes.  Fifty people came to sample sweets from Tollgate Inn and listen to the music.

ThmedValentines_1e Hoodland Library held a Valentine’s Day crafting workshop on Wednesday, February 11th.  They made bird seed hearts, and strung chains of hearts.




On FullSizeRender (7)February 20th, we held a Teen Art Night after hours at the Library.  Local artists were be on hand to present their crafts.  Among the artists who will be present are two members of the Wy’East Artisan Guild.  Joan Ragan, who helped the teens make stained glass tile mosaics.  Becky Hawley, the head of the Kids Outreach Program, and Art Volunteer at Firwood, taught teens how to design a personal logo. Kathy Marawski, from Beads Down Under, was there with beads and findings for earring-making.  In addition, we had a table set up for colored pencil art, and a table set up for freehand drawing and water colors. Third Friday Teen Nights make the library your living room from 7-9:30pm. 

On Saturday, February 21st  to celebrate the month of love and friendship, the Sandy Public Library held a free wine and chocolate tasting and a viewing of a classic romantic comedy? Inconceivable!  A special thak you to Dita’s Chocolates and Wine for bringing goodies Ditas-Chocolate-Company-Logoto entice, and to imgresClackamas County Bank for providing popcorn.  




FullSizeRender (6)valentineThe special marketing items in February were “I love my library because…” valentines. It was amazing how many nice things our patrons had to say about their library.  It was heart warming, funny and cute.