Library Activities: June 2014

Summer Reading

  • We signed up 531 kids for Summer Reading at Sandy and 63 at Hoodland
  • We signed up 137 Teens for Summer Reading at Sandy and 17 at Hoodland

Programs at the Sandy Library

  • On June 3rd, three people attended the Technology Tutoring class for one-on-one assistance to help them negotiate their device or computer.
  • The First Friday Coffee House was held June 6th. Brady Goss, honky tonk piano player extraordinaire, was a huge hit. We had people start arriving more than an hour before, and it was a full house all night (200 +). Brady is such a talented and delightful performer, he has created quite a following here.
  • June 14th was the Bigfoot party and Summer Reading Program kick off.We celebrated William Stafford by reading “Everyone Out Here Knows.” Kids went on a scavenger hunt, and made a craft.  During the scavenger hunt a boy said, “There he is! I see Bigfoot!”. His mom promptly shushed him and told him to pay attention. Then a couple of girls squealed in delight and excitement,  “Look, look! It’s Bigfoot!”.  Kids went running to look out the windows to spot the elusive Bigfoot.  Bigfoot (Tracy Brown in a gorilla costume) did make a number of appearances,  peeking in the windows and then dashing off.  20 kids and 15 adults attended.
  • June 19th was Greta Pedersen’s Science Of Sound Program. Greta sang and showed the kids the science behind sound. 56 kids and 25 adults attended.


  • On June 26th the Dragon Theater Puppets presented the show “You’re Electric”.  50 kids and 25 adults attended.

Programs at the Hoodland Library:

At Hoodland Library Greta Pedersen did her “Science of Sound” show on June 17th. 10 kids and 10 adults attended.


The final Vista program of the school year was held on June 5th, with a small screen showing of the VISTA KIDS VIDEO for those who missed the big show.  The group also visited over books and made a craft. Many kids expressed the desire to continue the programs during the summer.
The Hoodland Library has WiFi!  Library patrons are catching on and starting to appear with their laptops to take advantage of the service.
Beth Scarth’s Retirement
The library staff had a Tex-Mex potluck lunch for Beth on June 26th.The food was excellent and Beth enjoyed herself. Chris had Curt get her favorite chocolate cake from Costco.  Lots of laughs were shared.


Later that same day, the Library closed for 2 hours so the staff could attend the official retirement party at the Community Center.  Beth received a glass clock with the inscription on the front, “I have Tourette’s too!”.  It made her laugh and allowed her to share her favorite library moment with the guests, which made everyone laugh.

Mayor King surprised Beth by presenting her with a dedication plaque for the fireplace room.  It was a very touching moment.  Goodbye Beth!  Thanks for all the great years, and we know we’ll be seeing you soon.

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New Library Director

New Library Director, Sarah McIntyre, worked closely with Beth during the first week of June to allow for a smooth transition for this big change.  Sarah, staff, and volunteer Alberta are pictured below.
